Video is the Marketing Weapon Your Business Needs in its Arsenal

August 12, 2020

Video has quickly become the most effective tool for brands to engage and entertain their audiences, generate leads, and convert leads to business.

In today’s world of instant information, instant gratification, handheld technology, and social media, consumers are exhibiting an increased desire for what we can appropriately call “instant content.” Meaning they’re looking to absorb vast amounts of information in as little time as possible, hungry for knowledge served to them in the form of expertise-fueled content that engages and entertains. While the consumer’s desire to soak in relevant information is strong, their level of patience for how long it takes them to receive it is not.

As digital marketing has transformed and technology has made seeking and digesting content easier and easier, video has quickly emerged as the leading tool to tell your company’s story. Video production has allowed companies to pump out vast amounts of crucial content while still keeping their customers’ focus honed on the topic at hand.

Need proof? In 2017, a TechCrunch reported that consumers were reportedly watching 1 BILLION hours of YouTube per day.


And that was two years ago.



More Information Quicker

Blog posts still remain a powerful tool for companies to engage with their target audiences (clearly, if you’re reading this!), but what if you could take that blog content and turn it into a visual experience that never loses the focus of your customer? Enter video production. The power of video is reflected in countless marketing and consumer studies, but if specific facts and figures peak your interest, here’s a few:

  • Over 70 million people in the United States watch online videos at least once per day
  • Viewers retain 95% of the information presented to them in a video, as opposed to just 10% that they retain when reading text
  • 80% of polled consumers indicated that they would be more likely to remain on a website that offers video content

And on social media, the mother-ship of engagement and content:

  • Social media posts and content containing video generate 1200% more engagement, i.e. likes and shares, than text and images COMBINED.

Video’s ability to take a larger amount of information and compress it into a shorter and more robust visual offering make it an absolute must for your company’s brand and marketing strategy.

Tricks of the Trade

Mind Your Time

Videos designed to target your existing customer base like a storytelling or customer appreciation video can push the rules of time a bit as your audience is mainly comprised of individuals who have already expressed an interest in or use your business’ product or service. These videos can offer a more in-depth look into subjects and can incorporate more advanced visual aspects of video production like graphics and animation.

Remember Who You’re Targeting

Has your marketing team or consultant made you sit through a presentation about customer personas yet? If they haven’t, ask them if they can start. Knowing the typical profile and behavior of your target customers is a key way to ensure that the content, video in this particular case, that you push will make your customers feel as if you designed it specifically for them.

Professional video production companies can help you capture your company’s Brand and voice that your existing customers already know and love.

If your goal is a promotional video for social media or another advertising platform, spend some time thinking about the type of customer you want to attract. Are you targeting professionals? Teenage consumers? Heads of households? Whatever your target base, tailor your video content to them.

There is no more denying that video is the best way to reach your audience, whoever they may be.

I’m sure you’ve been told that a picture is worth a thousand words, so can you imagine what a video is worth?

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