November 1, 2020
When you’re thinking about a video production shoot, you’re probably seeing images of huge cameras in motion, people in headsets shouting “Action”, clapperboards clapping and actors shooting scenes over and over again for just the right shot.
All of that is accurate and all of those things are vital moving parts of the video production process. But behind the scenes, beneath the glamour, pulling the weight of the video world on their shoulders, lie the scriptwriters. Their job seems so simple- win the audience with words. In reality, nothing could be less simple than what a great scriptwriter can do.
Every watched a really good movie or video that tells an incredible story and leaves you just, well, speechless? It tugs on your heartstrings, or maybe it tickles your funny bone, or maybe it just taps into all of your emotions at once. Visuals are a powerful part of that experience, but the script, the dialogue? That’s the essence of that video.
Don’t sleep on your script. Make use of a professional scriptwriter’s services for your video. That’s the moral of the story, here. Here’s why.
They’re Team Players
Collaboration is the name of the game in video, and good scriptwriters are collaboration experts. They know how to work with the camera crew, directors, and actors to make sure their storylines are executed exactly as envisioned. They can tweak scripts to fit actors and to match visuals, making the final product a seamless masterpiece.
They’re Grammar Gurus
That might seem like an odd thing to worry about in the video realm. I mean, does the script really have to follow the 504,459 rules (rough estimate) of grammar in the English language? Honestly, the answer is no. But that doesn’t mean that having a script writer who understands the ins and outs of language rules and best practices is unimportant. It’s the opposite. Their thorough understanding of how language can and should be used allows them to write to an audience, and to tell a story that tells, sells and compels.
They Understand Timing
Having a scriptwriter that understands how to pace the script with the visual/audio side of your video is so crucial, we almost said it twice (literally, we were thinking about it.) Professional scriptwriters understand minute but important details like how many words per minute should be used in the script to pace correctly with the narrator.
You’ll end up with a whole lot of extra copy, and a very unhappy narrator, without a script that’s taken time and pace into account. More is not less- less is more.
They’re Story Tellers
At the end of the day, no matter the purpose of your video, there is a story that needs told. Whether you’re recruiting new talent so you’re telling the story of your company’s culture, or you’re marketing a new product and want to tell your audience how it will make their lives better, there’s a story there that needs written. Professional script writers see the story in everything, and they know how to write it, how to tell it. That alone is worth it’s proverbial weight in gold.
So when you’re gearing up for your next video and picking out a production company, make sure you ask about the scriptwriting process. Your video depends on it. At VIP, our scriptwriters are some of our most valued team members, and we make sure our clients know it!