The Evolution of Social Media - And How Video Fits In

July 21, 2021

Evolution of Social Media

Instagram sent the marketing community on a whirlwind a few weeks ago, when it published an article discussing how as a platform, they are migrating to no longer be a photo-sharing app. Instead, they’re gearing towards becoming a (you knew it was coming)… video platform. After noting the success of video monsters like TikTok and YouTube, Instagram isn’t looking to get left behind.


So, what does this mean, really, for video marketing? After all, the landscape has been shifting to favor video for some time, so while the news seemed to shock many… it’s really not shocking. But it does mean that how organizations look at video, and how they have to purpose it, is going to have to change.


The Home-Video Movement


Naturally, a drastic announcement like Instagram’s is going to spark a surge in self-shot, home-video production. And here’s the thing – if you’re talking about 8-10 second lifestyle videos for social media – shoot away! The newest Android and iPhone models have video capabilities we used to only dream about 10 years ago – and we’re a production company.


But where organizations are going to need to tread carefully is an evitable event of over saturation. While those iPhone and Android features might be something to write home about – remember, everyone has them. As social media continues to embrace the video movement, it’s easy to watch your content get lost, hidden, and overpowered by competitors who are finding ways to stand out.


While everyday content creation can help fill in the gaps for your daily social postings, Instagram reels, and Facebook Lives – when it comes to the big campaigns like product launches, holiday campaigns, and nonprofit partnerships, you’re still going to need the pop of professional video. We love Zoom as much as the next person, but as the landscape becomes more competitive, those home-made videos just aren’t going to hack it.



No Longer Just a ‘Strong Suggestion’


It’s only a matter of time before social media platforms all start to follow Instagram’s lead. Video has been a “strong suggestion” in the marketing industry for decades – but we’re now encroaching on the term ‘non-negotiable’ at rapid speed. Your marketing can no longer lack video. It simply can’t. It has become an expectation that brands up their video game when it comes to their interactions with their audience.



So if you’ve been on the fence about video in your marketing strategy – hop off that fence and get running up the driveway of your nearest video production company. Your ROI will thank you!

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Photo Credit: Jason Dixon Photography for ASCE